min read
May 2, 2023

RSA Conference (RSAC) 2023: A DoControl Recap

The RSA Conference (RSAC) is a global cybersecurity conference series that brings together very colorful personalities across the information security industry including security experts, engineers, developers, researchers, and vendors. RSAC serves up some of the latest trends and developments in our market, and more importantly shares knowledge and best practices within the community. DoControl was proud and excited to attend this year's event to both showcase our solutions in the vendor pavilion, as well as ‘talk shop’ with some of the industry’s leading experts, hands-on-users, analysts, and more. For those of you who weren’t able to make it in person this year, here’s an extended summary of the DoControl experience at RSAC 2023!

The DoControl Team

This was the first conference where I, alongside other co-founders and leaders, were off the show floor completely. We had non-stop customer meetings as well as other strategic prospect discussions in hotels and other venues nearby. We knew that our team of experts supporting the booth could effectively manage every prospect coming over to learn more, and would get the very same experience the leadership team would provide. This is how we scale our go-to-market organization through continuous training, industry research, and customer understanding. I was thrilled to see that live and in person as our modus operandi here at DoControl is one team, one dream

The SaaS Security Market Timing 

RSAC 2023 has officially solidified DoControl’s timing for SaaS Security could not be better. It’s a major pain point for so many security teams out there, currently struggling either with legacy approaches (i.e. CASBs), or worse: no solution at all. Customers from many unnamed competitive solutions providers came over to communicate how dissatisfied they were with their support for business-critical apps (i.e. Google Drive), and expressed interest in partnering with DoControl as a better alternative. Security teams want agentless SaaS Security solutions that can discover their attack surface, remediate exposures, and automate mitigation paths over time. Sounds familiar?

Download the Ungated IDC Market Analysis Brief

The Threat Models (and the Tools to Address Them)

Anyone that walks the show floor will quickly feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of technology vendors promising efficiency, risk reduction, compliance enablement – and whatever other marketing buzzwords will grab your attention. The reality is that there are a large number of threat models, especially in the cloud and SaaS markets. From misconfigurations, data access controls, data leakage prevention, SaaS-to-SaaS interconnectivity (i.e. Shadow IT/Applications), the list is long and shows no signs of slowing down. Cloud technologies and services are critically important to the modern business; and as such attackers have set their sights on all things ‘as a Service.’ When you have a swath of different threat models, the end result is a wide range of tools that aim to address some of the most business-critical use cases that are pressing organizations. 

In today’s macroeconomic environment coupled with the lack of security professionals in the market, organizations looking to procure any cyber security technologies demand tooling consolidation. The tools need to be simple and easy to use, address a wide range of use cases, and provide certain levels of automation in order for security to truly enable the business – and avoid introducing insurmountable amounts of technical debt that either slows down the business, or forces users to bypass existing controls. Security must be a business enabler, and in a perfect world, the tools to get you there should be consolidated where it makes sense. DoControl is excited to stick our flag in the ground. Partnering with DoControl means you eliminate redundancies and consolidate tools that address the critical use cases within your complex SaaS environments. 

Fostering Relationships 

RSAC is very much a strategic marketing event that enables technology vendors across the board to engage with prospective buyers, as well as existing customers. In a post-Covid world, we were over the moon to meet face-to-face with a number of mature customers. DoControl is hyper focused on partnering with organizations; and not selling our solutions to them. Our customers’ success is our success. We place a big emphasis on the post-sale process, ensuring our customers are both self-sufficient but also feel confident that they have the services and support resources they need to be successful. RSAC is a great opportunity to elevate the personal relationships that are formed in working in the security industry.

Onto the Next One

A big thank you to all our customers, partners, peers, and investors who continued to support us to maximize the opportunity at RSAC 2023. As always, if you want to learn more please reach out and let’s get the conversation started on how DoControl can help you drive business enablement in a secure way.

Onwards and upwards.


Adam Gavish is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of DoControl. Adam brings 15  years of experience in product management, software engineering, and network security. Prior to founding DoControl, Adam was a Product Manager at Google Cloud, where he led ideation, execution, and strategy of Security & Privacy products serving Fortune 500 customers. Before Google, Adam was a Senior Technical Product Manager at Amazon, where he launched customer-obsessed products improving the payment experience for 300M customers globally. Before Amazon, Adam was a Software Engineer in two successfully acquired startups, eXelate for $200M and Skyfence for $60M.

Adam is a lifetime information geek, breaking down business and technical problems into components to generate long-term learning. He loves running outdoors, playing with LEGOs with his son, and watching a good movie with his wife.

Adam holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yafo and an MBA from the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University.

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