How Justt Saved 2,240 Hours of Manually Remediating Overexposed SaaS Assets

Featured DoControl Champion
Moshe Harel
Moshe Harel
IT Manager

Saved 2,240
of manual remediation

in shared public assets

in assets shared with personal accounts

automated remediations
per month

Justt’s AI-based chargeback mitigation solution changes the game for companies who previously needed to choose between losing the revenue or losing time and resources to recovering this threatened revenue. Justt’s automation engine intelligently handles each chargeback, and continually customizes itself to get more effective over time.


Protect critical customer data with effective, provable risk management

Justt’s key position in the fintech stack of their clients means that their systems are full of sensitive data. Not only do they handle their clients’ financial data, but also the financial data of anyone who purchased from their client and then initiated a chargeback. This position demands bulletproof data security, as well as detailed monitoring capabilities for regulatory compliance and audit purposes.

Justt relies on Google Workspace as their primary SaaS solution. When they started to compare Google’s data security capabilities with their requirements regarding remediating assets that had been mistakenly over-exposed and effective tracking going forward, Google’s capabilities just didn’t measure up. Justt looked for a more powerful, extensive solution… and found DoControl.


Bulk historical remediation and automated workflows using DoControl

Justt was immediately drawn by DoControl’s ability to perform bulk remediation of historically exposed assets. Even if it was over a year ago that a sensitive asset had been mistakenly shared externally, DoControl could identify and remediate the issue.

Going forward, DoControl’s automated workflows could identify overexposure in real-time, either alerting the Justt information security team, or remediating based on granular automated workflows set up by the team. 

SaaS application coverage for Justt included Google Workspace and Slack.

In the FinTech industry, data security is critical. If someone at Justt shares a sensitive file, and I don’t know about it, that opens us up to serious risk. We’re talking losing finances, reputation, everything. I need not only the tools to prevent data security issues, but to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that we did all we could to prevent those issues. DoControl provides us with all of that.
Moshe Harel, IT Manager at Justt


Sharp decrease in overexposed assets and in alerts needing manual intervention

Within its first three months of using DoControl, Justt achieved a 99% decrease in shared public assets and a 76% decrease in externally shared assets. In addition, DoControl enabled Justt to find assets shared with personal (e.g. Gmail) accounts and remove those shares, decreasing the number of assets shared with personal accounts by 66%. If they had needed to track down all of these overexposed assets and change their permissions manually, it would have taken 2,240 hours of work! With DoControl, all it took to remediate these historical assets was a few clicks.

Going forward, DoControl monitors all of Justt’s SaaS asset interaction, taking care of defined data security risks automatically, sending notifications, and looping in end users and IT/InfoSec staff when relevant. From the many SaaS security tasks that used to dominate the IT Manager’s workday, DoControl has reduced it to 3-4 weekly alerts that actually need direct attention. Everything else is handled based on granular automated workflows, with meticulous records kept for tracking and audit purposes.

Justt’s IT and InfoSec teams are startup size, but DoControl gives them abilities beyond those of even an enterprise-level InfoSec team. 

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